Sustainability / Materiality

Stable supply of renewable energy and
contribution to GHG emissions reduction

  • Why it matters for us
  • Our approach

Why it matters for us

At our core, ENEOS Renewable Energy’s vision is based on the belief that providing renewable energy contributes to the realization of a sustainable society. This vision aims to accomplish two crucial goals:

  • ・At the global level, renewable energy generation is essential for a goal of mitigating climate change. As the energy sector accounts for around 70% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, energy systems will need to undergo a dramatic transformation toward decarbonization, which requires increased renewable energy capacity.
  • ・At the local level, renewable energy contributes to safeguarding the stability of energy supply. By providing additional sources of locally generated energy, ENEOS Renewable Energy aims to strengthen the resilience of the Japanese energy market.

Our approach

ENEOS Renewable Energy develops diversified renewable energy sources, including solar, onshore and offshore wind, biomass, and hydropower. Biomass power plants started operation in 2019 and contribute greatly to stable supply of renewable energy power by around-the-clock operation regardless of the weather. ENEOS Renewable Energy’s operational capacity reached approximately 1,150 MW in March 2024. Based on this renewable energy capacity, we displaced approximately 640,000t-CO₂ emissions annually.
We aim to contribute to the improved energy self-sufficiency of Japan and the resilience of its energy system in three different ways:

  • ・Further diversifying the energy mix, which adds resilience to the energy system should one or more energy sources be disrupted, for example in the case of accidents or natural disasters.
  • ・Contributing to Japan’s energy self-sufficiency, which reduces exposure to price volatility related to energy imports. Adding capacity to our energy system provides resilience during periods of demand spikes, such as those experienced in the height of hot or cold seasons.
  • ・Renewable energy power generation not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions, but also reduces release of other air pollutants, such as SO2, NOx and particle pollution, associated with conventional fossil fuel power generations.

For a stable supply of renewable energy, ENEOS Renewable Energy started the following new initiatives. We constructed a solar power plant equipped with large storage batteries in 2021 and commenced its operation in 2022. We are verifying various measures such as energy time-shifting, production/demand imbalance mitigation, and enhancement of forecast technology. In addition, ENEOS Renewable Energy is conducting joint-research projects to promote offshore wind power generation with universities and other institutions. Such endeavors include the study on a new method of wind field measurement with the University of Tokyo and the study on wake flows behind wind turbines with Kyushu University. In 2022 ENEOS Renewable Energy has established a data center equipped with a solar power plant, which utilizes electricity from the solar power plant during the day, while it buys renewable energy on the non-fossil fuel value trading market in the evenings. As such, it operates as a green data center. Under the Feed-in Premium (FIP) system the ENEOS Renewable Energy Group acts as renewable energy aggregator, who bundles renewable energy power plants, manages power supply and demand utilizing storage battery systems, and performing market transactions on behalf of the power producers.

* Please scroll horizontally to see the table below.

Climate and energy-related indicators 2020 2021 2022* 2023
Total capacity in operation (MW)*1 419 542 774 1,146
Solar (MW) 347 419 620 943
Onshore wind (MW) 48 99 130 178
Biomass (MW) 24 24 24 24
Total capacity under construction (MW) 410 333 104 123
Total renewable energy sold (MWh) 598,211 663,532 1,192,067 1,464,868
Annual amount of CO₂ reduction effect *2 (t-CO₂) 267,763 284,449 514,056 641,612

* 15 months from January 2022 to March 2023

*1 The total capacity in operation in 2020 includes the power plant in Taiwan (1.8 MW) acquired in 2020. Not included in other items.

*2 Calculated using emission factors for each electric utility that we supply power to(till FY2022), the national average emission factor (from FY2023) (as of the end of each fiscal year) in accordance with the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures

  • Sustainability TOP
  • Top Commitment
  • Our Materiality for Creating
    a Sustainable Society
  • Environment
  • Stable supply of renewable energy and contribution to
    GHG emissions reduction
  • Environmental protection
  • Society
  • Harmony with community
    and society
  • Employee safety and development
  • Economy and governance
  • Stable growth through
    expansion of our energy generation business
  • Sound governance
  • Contribution to the SDGs through Business
  • Participation in the UN
    Global Compact
  • Disclosure in line
    with the TCFD Recommendations

