Sustainability / Materiality

Environmental protection

  • Why it matters for us
  • Our approach

Why it matters for us

As a renewable energy company, our relationship with the environment is an essential part of our corporate identity and license to operate. When constructing and operating our sites we strive for minimal disturbance of the local environment. We actively promote energy efficiency, and where possible, aim to contribute to a circular economy by promoting efficient use of natural resources, including recycling of materials. Efficient use of natural resources and energy not only reduces operational costs but also helps us to minimize our overall risk exposure to legal, regulatory, and reputational risks related to environmental issues.

Our approach

ENEOS Renewable Energy is undertaking several initiatives to reduce our environmental impact throughout the entire value chain, from project development to construction and operations.

During the project development phase that spans about 3-4 years before construction starts, as per legal requirements, ENEOS Renewable Energy conducts robust environmental impact assessments to identify and mitigate the environmental risks associated with new developments. Impacts assessed include noise impacts and impacts on the natural environment such as on local bird habitats. ENEOS Renewable Energy also cooperates with environmental non-profit organizations (NPO) and academics, who provide external input into our project plans to avoid impacting the nesting of wild birds in their surrounding natural habitat.

fter careful planning, we strive to minimize our environmental impact during construction. For instance, ENEOS Renewable Energy has put in place water quality monitoring systems to preserve local water quality and has built artificial ponds to prevent floods in the areas surrounding solar PV power plants.

During operation, we seek to recycle the main waste products generated by our sites, namely waste oil from wind farms and broken solar panels from solar power plants.

Our biomass power plant exclusively utilizes as fuel local wood chips (recycled from construction waste and made from forest residue and unused timber), which are supplied by Eco Green Holdings Co., Ltd. (ENEOS Renewable Energy Group company) to generate electricity. The power plant is equipped with the system which enables to use biofuels efficiently and adequately satisfies the standards based on the laws for soot, smoke and wastewater. Not only waste but also burned ash are recycled as much as possible. ENEOS Renewable Energy and its group companies realize cyclical and efficient use of local resources and mitigation of environmental impact.

From 2021, the ENEOS Renewable Energy Group began to switch to energy purchased with FIT Non-Fossil Fuel Energy Certificates. This move allows us to purchase CO₂-free electricity in addition to supplying power through the generation of renewable energy that does not emit CO₂.

Furthermore, In December 2023 our company started the disclosure in line with the TCFD (the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) Recommendations.
In FY2023 we achieved carbon neutrality for our Scope 1 and 2 CO₂ emissions by carbon offsets utilizing J-Credit (Forest) and FIT Non-Fossil Fuel Energy Certificates.

* Please scroll horizontally to see the table below.

Environmental indicators 2020 2021 2022* 2023
CO₂ emissions (Scope1) *1 (t-CO₂) - - 260 0
CO₂ emissions (Scope2) *2 (t-CO₂) 2,305 1,714 1,410 0
Purchased energy *3 (MWh)
(including energy purchased with non-fossil fuel energy certificates)
4,904 4,737
Consumed energy *4 (MWh) 41,692 35,904 78,918 70,138
Sold renewable energy (MWh) 598,211 663,532 1,192,067 1,464,868
Solar (MWh) 365,282 394,541 686,724 934,211
Onshore wind (MWh) 95,841 108,702 319,248 364,611
Biomass (MWh) 137,089 160,289 186,096 166,047
Annual amount of CO₂ reduction effect by renewable power generation (t-CO₂) 267,763 284,449 514,056 641,612
Ratio of Scope2 CO₂ emissions to Annual amount of CO₂ reduction effect 0.0086 0.0060 0.0027 0.0000
Biomass fuel consumption (wood) (t) 189,478 223,351 266,409 236,967
Generated waste (t) 5,985 7,455 10,160 9,593

* 15 months from January 2022 to March 2023

*1 CO₂ emission multiplying heavy oil used at a biomass power plant by an emission factor in accordance with the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures. Started aggregation from FY2022. In FY2023 executed carbon offsets for 101t-CO₂ utilizing J-Credit (Forest).

*2 Multiplying purchased energy (deducting the amount purchased with non-fossil fuel energy certificates) by an emission factor in accordance with the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures. The emission factors used are alternative value of emission factors until FY2021 and an emission factor for each electric power utility from FY2022.

*3 Energy purchased from outside for power generation and office use; energy purchased with non-fossil fuel energy certificates shown in parentheses

*4 Including captive consumption of renewable energy at our power plants

  • Sustainability TOP
  • Top Commitment
  • Our Materiality for Creating
    a Sustainable Society
  • Environment
  • Stable supply of renewable energy and contribution to
    GHG emissions reduction
  • Environmental protection
  • Society
  • Harmony with community
    and society
  • Employee safety and development
  • Economy and governance
  • Stable growth through
    expansion of our energy generation business
  • Sound governance
  • Contribution to the SDGs through Business
  • Participation in the UN
    Global Compact
  • Disclosure in line
    with the TCFD Recommendations

